Letter to www.counterpunch.org
To whom it may concern,
Being familiar over the years with what you pass off as articles on Iran, I naturally expect nothing from such items but lies, deceptions and complete distortion of facts. However, even I have to congratulate you on your very latest slanderous and defamatory remark regarding the Shah of Iran. For attempting to rewrite history, or thinking every single reader an absolute fool, shows very high ambitions on your part.
I am of course referring to
Saul Landau’s September 8 article, titled “
The Irrational Drama of a Declining Empire”:
“[Chemical] Ali and company allegedly killed tens of thousands of rebellious Shiites in 1991, people George the First encouraged to rise up against Saddam. W's Daddy followed the adage Kissinger introduced in 1972, supporting a Kurdish uprising and then abandoning the Kurds to the Shah of Iran's slaughter machine.”
Show your readers a SINGLE, I repeat, A SINGLE document regarding the “slaughter” of Kurds (an Iranian people, incidentally, you lying bastards, though that is not the issue here) by the Iranian King, in 1972 or at any other time, or apologize to your readers for printing falsehoods.
Kurds are my Iranian brothers and sisters, wherever they are. And no amount of disinformation and propaganda by you, the likes of Timmerman and (chemical) Landau and
the world media at your disposal, can create enmity between us.
Up yours and your “experts”,