Friday, September 29, 2006
anti-Pahlavi propaganda
سریال کارتونی در باره ی پادشاه فقيد در صدا و سیمای جمهوری اشغالگر اسلامی، از ۱۲ تا ۲۲ بهمن
Wednesday, September 27, 2006
فیلم بازدید پادشاه ايران از فنلاند در سال ١٩٧٠
آرشیو رادیو وتلویزیون فنلاند (YLE).
به هم ميهنان عزيز يادآوری می كنم كه امروز پنجم مهرماه، سالروز آغاز دوران تبعيد رضاشاه بزرگ است، و اگر رسانه ای ضد ايرانی مانند بی بی سی چند هفته ای است كه بيش از پيش به بدنام كردن پدر ايران نوين می پردازد و نوكران هميشه حاضر ايرانی نما را می آورد كه بگويند آغاز تبعيد رضا شاه بزرگ آغاز دوران طلايی دمكراسی در ايران بوده است، كارداد ملی و ايرانی هر ايرانی نيز است كه با ستايش از آن پادشاه ايران ساز در چنين روزی در برابر اين دروغ های بزرگ ايستادگی كند.
چرا اين روشنفكر نما ها خشم خود را نسبت به اشغال ميهنمان و زندانی كردن و قتل رضا شاه بزرگ توسط انگلستان ابراز نميكنند؟ ٢٨ مرداد از اين روز ننگين تر است؟
Tuesday, September 26, 2006
michel ehsani
يك جوان ايرانی ٧ ماه است كه در دانمارك در بند پليس گرفتار است
صبح ايران ( ٢٦ سپتامبر)
به گزارش رضا پيرامون از دانمارك يك جوان ايرانی بنام "ميشل احسانی" كه بعلت فشار بيش از حد پليس دست به خود كشی زده و به بيمارستان منتقل گرديده، از بيمارستان فراری شده و برای رهايی از دست پليس از هموطنان خود در سراسر جهان درخواست كمك كرده است. رضا پيرامون از هموطنان ايرانی در هرگوشه ی جهان خواسته است كه با وزرای دادگستری و كشور دانمارك از طريق فكس آنها تماس بگيرند و درخواست آزادی اين جوان ايرانی را بنمايند.
فكس وزير دادگستری:
٤٥٣٣٩٣٣٥١٠ (٠١١)
فكس وزير دادگستری دانمارك:
٤٥٣٣١١١٢٣٩ (٠١١)
نوشته ای از سه ماه پيش
نوشته ای از چند هفته پيش
بايدها و نبايدهاي پوشش اسلامي از منظر مراجع عظام تقليد
گروه معارف: مراجع عظام تقليد حضرات آيات امام خميني (ره)، خامنهاي، بهجت، فاضل لنكراني، تبريزي، مكارم شيرازي، سيستاني، صافي گلپايگاني و شاهرودي حجاب را از مسلمات دين اسلام دانسته و بر لزوم توجه ويژه به اين امر اللهي در اماكن مقدس تاكيد دارند.
به گزارش خبرگزاري شبستان حضرت امام خميني (ره) در حفظ حرمت حجاب در جامعه خطاب به زنان ميفرمايند: ''زنان نبايد ملعبهي جوانهاي هرزه بشوند.
زنها نبايد مقام خودشان را منحط كنند و خداي ناخواسته بزك كرده بيرون بروند و در انظار مردم فاسد قرار گيرند.''
حضرت آيتالله خامنهاي نيز در پيامي فساد و بيبندوباري و هرزگي و آزادي كه غرب پرچمدار و مرتكب آن بوده است را رد كرده و مي فرمايند: تصور نكنيد اگر ما فرضاً چادر را كنار گذاشتيم، آن مقنعهي كذايي را درست كرديم دست از سر ما برميدارند. آنها به اين چيزها قانع نيستند. بلكه ميخواهند همانند فرهنگ منحوس خودشان در اينجا مثل زمان شاه كه زن اصلاً حجاب و پوشش نداشت عمل شود. ما آزادي فساد و بيبندوباري و هرزگي و آزادي دروغ كه غرب پرچمدار و مرتكب آن بوده است صريحاً و قاطعاً رد ميكنيم...
Sunday, September 24, 2006
Jacques Chirac
Amir Taheri, writing about the law of "unintended" (one wonders) consequences and Chirac’s most recent assurance to the Islamo-Mafia regime that “there will be no war against Iran”.
Jerusalem Post
بی ترديد هيچ خبر ديگری شايستگی اين تيتر بزرگ در صفحه ی اصلی بی بی سی فارسی را نداشته است.
خود مقاله
Fariborz Raisdana
گفتگو با فریب الله رئیس دانا
تفاوت جمهوری عزيز اسلامی با ونزوئلا و كوبا
آفتابه، پنجشنبه ٣٠ شهريور
"سیاست خارجی و تنظیم روابط بینالملی قواعد و آداب سیاسی خود را دارد که گاهی پا از دیدگاههای ایدئولوژیک فراتر میگذارد. طبیعی است کشوری با این حد از موضعگیری علیه سیاستهای آمریکا به داشتن روابط دوستانه با کشورهایی که چنین موضعی دارند، گرایش داشته باشد."
جالب است كه همين رياكاران چپ نما پيش از انقلاب شكوهمندشان روابط دوستانه ی ايران با آمريكا را در دوران جنگ سرد طبيعی بشمار نمی آوردند!
"بوش امروز دارد از مذاکره و صلح طلبی و اینکه دلش برای فرهنگها و سنتهای ایران میسوزد، حرف میزند. در حالی که نفس آن جهان مک دونالدی دشمنی با فرهنگ و استقلال فرهنگی تودههاست."
بله... و اضافه ميكرديد كه نفس اين رژيم اسلامی و ضد ايرانی كه برايش سالهای سال چاكری كرده ايد دوستی با فرهنگ و استقلال فرهنگی تودهها، بخصوص فرهنگ و استقلال فرهنگی خود ايرانيان است!
"البته مردم ما یک تفاوت عمده با [افغانستان و عراق] دارند که اتفاقاً آمریکا آن را هم خوب میشناسد. بوش میداند که اینجا کسی فرش قرمز زیر پای هیچ متجاوزی پهن نمیکند. رشد چپگرایی ایرانی کابوس فعلی ایالات متحده است."
منظور از "چپگرایی ایرانی" چيست نميدانم، ولی يادآوری ميشود كه اين ادعای كسی است كه همه ی تلاش های سياسی خودش پيش از منجلاب ٥٧ در پهن كردن فرش قرمز زیر پای تجاوزكاری به نام خمينی خلاصه می شود.
Saturday, September 23, 2006
Hooshang Amirahmadi
Friday, September 22, 2006
Yedioth Ahronoth-Daily Star
چپاولگران جهانی (و همه ی رسانه هايی كه در اختيارشان است) در گسترش و پشتيبانی از بنياد گرايی اسلامی دستی نداشته اند. آنها، برای نمونه، ايرانی عقب مانده نمی خواهند كه بتوانند آنرا به آسانی و همواره چپاول كنند. نه جانم. ريشه های بنياد گرايی اسلامی به دوران كسانی مانند رضاشاه بر ميگردد، كه به سربازانش دستور داد به خيابانهای تهران بروند و چادرها را "با زور سرنيزه" از سر زنان بردارند. فاجعه ای مانند ١١/٩ به جمهوری اسلامی و طالبان و كارتر و استيت دپارتمنت و كمربند سبز و نيويورك تايمز و بی بی سی چه ربطی دارد! گناه را بر گردن نوين گرايی مانند رضا شاه پهلوی بگذاريد كه می بايست به جای عمل و كنش چند صد سال صبر ميكرد و به اميد ما می ماند تا ما چراغ سبز بدهيم كه اسلام عزيز خودش مودرنيزم را در آغوش بگيرد، و آنگاه به دستور ما ايران را از نابودی نجات دهد.
اين محتوای مقاله ای است كه چند هفته پيش در سايت دِيلی استار (daily star) لبنان منتشر شد. البته، چنان دادورانه نوشته شده است كه سايت روزنامه ی “Yedioth Ahronoth” (اسرائيل) نيز آنرا چاپ كرده است.
استقلال ايران، از بركات انقلاب اسلامی بوده است
"We have forgotten that Khomeini's revolution was also a declaration of independence from British and American control...Now, thanks to several different factors, Iran has suddenly reached a new level of power and influence."
javad zarif-princeton
البته، همه ی اين استقبال های گرم از اين ايران فروشان جنايتكار نشان دهنده آن است كه اربابان جهانی در صدد بركناری وفادارترين نوكرانشان هستند و بس!
Thursday, September 21, 2006
ahmadinejad's entourage-visa-visas
Tuesday, September 19, 2006
Preeti Koirala

The 20th century is full of case studies in which the vaccuum left by the monarchy has been filled by radical elements almost all the time resorting to dictatorship rather than democracy
By Preeti Koirala
Iran serves as another good example for Nepalis to take lessons from, international powers to realize from their mistakes and regional players not to underestimate the powerful inertia of fundamentalism and totalitarianism that can offset the whole regional power dynamics. A shining modern society, aiming to be the fifth power of the world, relatively moderate, secular and a pro-west Iran under the Shah has now turned into an axis of evil, headache for the whole of the middle-east, an oppressor of its own people, a preacher of violent Islam and a supporter of terrorist organizations such as the Hezbullah.
Young Iranians who took to the streets against their monarchy in 1979 today don't have a right even to evaluate the performance of their government. In fact, they don't even know what the outside world possibly thinks about them or their country except what their national television and government owned newspapers tell them. Iranian women who used to wear jeans to college in the mid-seventies today play basketball in their burkas. Those who used to advocate for free and fair elections during much of the Shah era, today shake their heads when they see the entire government ruled by an un-elected and illiterate clergy who know nothing about politics and economics than what their understanding of Quran told them. What went wrong in Iran? Who is to blame? And what lessons can Iran's modern history offer to Nepal and to the Nepalis people as we find ourselves in the midst of a takeover by another variety of extremists in our own country?
In 1925 a specially convened assembly deposed Ahmad Shah Qajar, the last ruler of the Qajar dynasty, and named Reza Khan, who had adopted the surname "Pahlavi", as the new Shah. Reza Shah had ambitious plans for modernizing Iran. These plans included developing large-scale industries, implementing major infrastructure projects, building a cross-country railroad, establishing a national public education system, reforming the judiciary, and improving health care. He believed that a strong, centralized government managed by educated personnel could implement his plans. He sent hundreds of Iranians including his son to Europe for education and technical training. During 16 years from 1925 till 1941, Reza Shah's numerous development projects transformed Iran into a modern country. Public education progressed rapidly, and a new social class emerged. Iran's political system also opened up. Political parties were allowed, and in 1944 the Majlis polls were held which were the first genuine competitive election to take place in the country. In fact, Iran was the most "democratic" country in the whole of the region at that time. The Anglo-Iranian Oil Company owned by the British government, continued to produce and market Iranian oil. In the beginning of 1930s some Iranians began to advocate nationalization of the country's oil fields. After 1946 this became an increasingly popular political movement as the oil gave Tehran much needed revenue for modernization drive.
His son, Mohammad Reza Shah Pahlavi, popularly known as the "Shah of Iran" was even more modern and pro-American. So much was Iran's prosperity in comparison to other Gulf states during his reign that even the royalty of other countries used to look up to Iran's wealth with aghast. The King named himself the "Shahenshah" and also the "Light of the Aryans"*.During the Cold War, the Shah established himself as an indispensable ally of the West. Domestically, he advocated reform policies, culminating in the 1963 program known as the White Revolution, which included land reform, granting of voting rights to women, and elimination of illiteracy. He made major changes to curb the power of certain ancient elite factions by distributing large and medium-sized estates for the benefit of more than four million small farmers. However, these modernization measures, including extending suffrage to women, met the discontent of the Islamic clergy. Unafraid of the clergy and their outdated theories, he instituted exams for Islamic theologians to become established clerics, which were widely unpopular and broke centuries-old religious traditions. In less than two decades of his reign, Iran became the undisputable major economic and military power of the Middle East.
On the foreign policy front, the Shah maintained cordial relations with the Gulf states and established closer diplomatic ties with Saudi Arabia. With Iraq, he signed the Algiers Accord, which granted Iraq equal navigation rights in the Arvand/Shatt al-Arab river, with the Shah also agreeing to end his support for Iraqi Kurdish rebels.
He built good relations with Israel and the United States which turned out to be sufficient reasons for Islamic fundamentalist groups to attack his policies. Nepal had also established diplomatic relations with Iran and late King Mahendra participated in the grand coronation ceremony of the Shah. Kathmandu opened its residential mission in Tehran with late Ishwori Raj Pandey serving as the first (and the last) charge d' affairs.
In 1949, an assassination attempt on the Shah, blamed on the pro-Soviet Tudeh Party, resulted in the banning of that party and the expansion of the Shah's constitutional powers. Furthermore, he passed a controversial bill that allowed municipal officials in the country to take oaths of office on whatever holy book they preferred. This and other reform policies angered religious zealots, the most prominent among them being Ayatollah Khomeini.
Khomeini held beliefs of an extreme form of the Shi'a creed. From exile, he developed the concept of a theocracy, which significantly altered what had largely been a non-political branch of Islam. He was able to exploit contradictions of the Iranian society and garner support from the communists, the liberal democrats and students for a revolution against monarchy. The then Soviet Union had hoped that the fall of monarchy would bring down a pro-west regime in Tehran and perhaps erect another Stalinist republic. The United States and its European allies although supportive of the Shah from a regional perspective, regarded Islamic fundamentalists as a bulwark against communism. As long as the Shah was not overthrown by Communists, the regime change seemed ok to Washington and London. The marginalized sections of the rural areas thought that they would get a pro-poor government rather than an urban centered [government]. The youth desired to see an end to centuries' old feudal rule that would bring in a youthful leadership capable of driving the nation forward. The secular forces hoped that the fall of absolute monarchy would usher in a truly secular, more modern state with full democratic credentials such as periodic elections, freedom of speech, guarantee of human rights and a free press.**
But after the Iranian revolution, Khomeini betrayed everyone and embraced only those who agreed to his vision of a radical Islam. He appointed himself Supreme Ruler, with a "parliament" made up of clerics, instituting a strict regime of Islamic law, ordering women to wear veils and suspending the criminal justice system. In November 1979, a group of student radicals overran the U.S. embassy and took American embassy staff including diplomats, intelligence and military personnel hostage, as per Khomeini's orders.
The rest is history. If there was no Islamic revolution in Iran, there would not have been the Iran-Iraq war in which the Reagan administration had to aid Iraq's Saddam Hussein regime. Had their been no mullahs ruling Tehran, there would have been no or little support to terrorist organisations such as the Hezbullah and Hamas. Khomeini was the first to use radicalism in Islam and tint it with anti-American flavour which encouraged other people like him such as Bin Laden and groups like the al Qaeda to use the same tactics of terror. It was Khomeini who first issued fatwa calling on Muslims everywhere to kill Salman Rushdie for writing a book The Satanic Verses. The proclamation became groundbreaking in the politicization of fatwas. Khomeini had previously abused the fatwa to deliver death sentences to thousands of his domestic political opponents. In later years, Osama Bin Laden used the same fatwa against the United States for the 9/11 attacks and continues to do so to terrorize the democratic world. Had the monarchy remained in Iran, the history of Middle East would have been totally different and the world certainly would have been a much safer place to live in.
It is thus an irony of history that in the land of Cyrus The Great, the birthplace of the first charter of the "Rights of Nations" and the "Declaration of Human Rights" over 2500 years ago, there is today hardly any semblance of civil rights. According to official Iranian estimates, more than 200,000 Iranians lost their lives in the Iran-Iraq war that ended without any political or geographical change of either country. It is a regime that has executed over 120,000 political prisoners in two decades. Torture is rampant and corruption is colossal. Since the inception of the mullahs' rule, hundreds of women of various ages have been and continue to be stoned to death throughout Iran. So much so that Iranian dress codes prohibit the country from fielding women teams for Olympics in events including swimming, track and field, and other sports that expose woman's toes, head or arms.
It has been 27 years since the fall of the Shah yet theorists are still struggling to understand what happened then. Today Iranian people are demanding civil and political freedoms, separation of religion and government, equality and justice (especially for the Iranian women) and immediate freeing of all political prisoners. But their government is more interested in building nuclear weapons. The world continues to watch helplessly as a bunch of radical clerics make a mockery of human civilization.
The first lesson that Iran's predicament teaches Nepal is not to act in haste and repent in leisure. Young Iranians protested for about three months before the downfall of monarchy in 1979. But they have been repenting and dreaming for a just, equitable and a free society to re-emerge for the past three decades. Lesson number two: The want for more freedom, more democratic space, freedom of press, bigger role for the civil society, devolution of power, etc. is not a crime but people must first make sure that even the little that they already have isn't lost in the procss of yearning for more. Lesson number three: The 20th century is full of case studies in which the vaccuum left by the monarchy has been filled by radical and sinister elements almost all the time resorting to dictatorship rather than democracy. They have killed far more people in the name of "new democracy" or religion than under the previous "totalitarian" regime. Lesson number Four: Just by having a republic, hoping that all the country's problems would suddenly vanish away is a sheer nonsense. Most of the time the country's problems have nothing to do with the monarchy and can exasperate with the collapse of law and order situation. Lesson Number of Five: Just two Kings ruled Iran under the Pahlavi dynasty yet the impact of its downfall has been devastating for the people of that country and for its neighbouring countries. Nepal was not even born as a nation until a King of the Shah dynasty unified the country as a single entity. There is very little basis to imagine that Nepal will be truly "democratic" once it turns into a republic.
It is true that history never looks like history when one is living through it. But it is also true that those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.
*He did not “name himself”, rather the title was bestowed upon him by the Iranian Parliament. Also, the “Mehr” in “Aryamehr” means love and affection, not “light”.
** I disagree. Most of the support for Khomeini and the Mullahs came from the misguided “youth”, led on by the so-called “intellectuals” of the time. Furthermore, no one among the enemies of the Iranian government accused it of not driving the nation forward. Embracing Khomeini and a backward Shiite theocracy stands as a testament to the fact. Lastly, the alliance of the so-called “secular” forces with Khomeini and their subsequent support of the Islamic Republic proved that the presence of secular forces among the revolutionaries was non-existent, despite all their secularist pretensions. The secularists, such as Shapour Bakhtiar and Dr. Sadiqi, stood with and backed the Iranian government.
Inquirer (Manila)
September 18, 2006
ANGELES CITY-- Standing next to a Philippine flag and suppressing his tears, Iranian refugee Buick Farahmand Bahador took his oath as a Filipino Monday, ending a 27-year wait for a new homeland since he fled the turmoil that accompanied the fall of Mohammad Reza Shah Pahlavi in 1979. "I feel great," said Bahador, 55, as he stepped out of the packed court room of Judge Philbert Iturralde wearing a light blue Barong Tagalog.
new york times-Shah of Iran
"تصور بوش درباره ی مشاركت نزديك با ايران خوش بينانه بود، به دليل اينكه از دوران جنگ سرد كه آمريكا شاه ديكتاتور را در آغوش گرفت تا كنون، مردم ايران از احساسات ضد آمريكايی می سوزند."
Saturday, September 16, 2006
Friday, September 15, 2006
Pope Benedict XVI
Associated Press: Benedict quoted from a book recounting a conversation between 14th century Byzantine Christian Emperor Manuel Paleologos II and a Persian scholar on the truths of Christianity and Islam.
"The emperor comes to speak about the issue of jihad, holy war," the pope said. "He said, I quote, 'Show me just what Muhammad brought that was new, and there you will find things only evil and inhuman, such as his command to spread by the sword the faith he preached.'"
خشم مسلمانان از اظهار نظر پاپ و دفاع واتيکان
احمد خاتمی: هتاكي پاپ، نور اسلام را بيشتر میکند
فضلالله: پاپ شخصا عذرخواهي كند
Thursday, September 14, 2006
khatami-US visit-Monticello
ديدار آخوند خاتمی از خانه ی "توماس جفرسون"، همراه با آن گارد امنيتی ای كه در اختيارش گذاشته بودند، و پيامدهای نه چندان خوش آن!
---"آن قاتل حرامزاده! به خاطر آن قاتل حرامزاده مانع ورود خود ما آمريكايی ها می شوند؟"
---"مسخره است."
---"حق تقدم دادن به يك خارجی، آن هم از كشوری كه با آمريكا دشمنی دارد، غير منصفانه به نظر ميرسد. مضحك است."
Monday, September 11, 2006
iran-human rights organizations-islamic republic-amnesty international-The Iran Human Rights Documentation Center
جالب است بدانيد سه سازمانی كه سخنان استاندار رامنی در باره ی خاتمی جنايتكار را مورد ترديد قرار دادند يكی "عفو بين الملل"، يكی "ديده بان حقوق بشر" و ديگری "مركز اسناد حقوق بشر ايران" ميباشد! اين "مركز اسناد" هم، اگر نميدانيد، همان سازمانیست كه سال پيش سه و نيم ميليون و چند ماه پيیش يك ميليون دلار از بودجه استِيت دِپارتمنت برای "ترويج دمكراسی در ايران" دريافت كرد.
اين هم جلد يكی از گزارش های سازمان "عفو بين الملل" پيش از انقلاب شكوهمند: اينجا
پی نوشت (١٨ سپتامبر ٢٠٠٨)
ديده بان حقوق بشر:
"احمدی نژاد را مسئول بحران حقوق در ايران بدانيد"
Khatami as seen by US press
Did they expect the smiling murderer, here on a US-approved public relations show, to praise bin Laden?!
Sunday, September 10, 2006
khatami-served with a court order
!ولی برای پاسخ به او ٢٠ روز فرصت داده اند
Families Of Kidnapped Persian Jews Sue Khatami In US Court
Lawsuit alleges visiting Iranian implemented anti-Semitic policy of torture and imprisonment
NEW YORK, Sept. 9 /PRNewswire/ -- Seven Jewish-Iranian families have filed suit in an American federal court against former President Mohammad Khatami over charges that he is responsible for the kidnapping and torture of their missing family members. The families, currently residing in Los Angeles and Israel, contend that Khatami instituted the policy of imprisoning their relatives without trials and refusing to provide them any information concerning their whereabouts. The Jews were arrested on different occasions during the years 1994 through 1997, as they sought to leave Iran across its border with Pakistan.
On Friday evening copies of the complaint and summons were served on Khatami at a reception in Arlington, Virginia hosted by the Council on American-Islamic Relations. Khatami has twenty days to file an answer denying the allegations or default the case.
The plaintiffs, who are not U.S. citizens, brought the suit under special laws - the Alien Torts Act and the Torture Victims Protection Act -, which permit foreigners to sue their tormentors for torture and kidnapping in American courts. The lawsuit filed in the New York District Court is being represented by attorneys Robert Tolchin of New York, Nitsana Darshan-Leitner of Jerusalem and Pooya Dayanim of Los Angeles. The plaintiffs are seeking hundreds of millions of dollars in damages against Khatami for his role in the on-going disappearance of their loved ones.
Since the Islamic revolution in Iran in 1979, millions of Iranian citizens have sought to escape from the Islamic regime. In normal circumstances when Muslim citizens are arrested attempting to leave without official permission, the established punishment is a small fine or a short jail term. However, in the instances where Jewish citizens have been similarly arrested, the Islamic government has instituted much harsher penalties. The Plaintiffs allege that Khatami has singled out the Jewish community and authorized the policy of secretly imprisoning the Jews indefinitely.
Over the years, the Jewish families have received reports from other former prisoners and guards that the missing Jews are alive and being held in different prisons. In the case of the Tehrani family of Los Angeles, a former Muslim neighbor has sworn out an affidavit testifying that he has seen their missing son, Babak Tehrani, in a Tehran prison two years after his disappearance.
"These Persian Jewish families are seeking to bring Khatami before an American court for his involvement in the torture and imprisonment of their loved ones in Iran," stated the families' attorney Nitsana-Darshan-Leitner, "It is shocking that the State Department would grant this anti-Semitic criminal a travel visa instead of joining with the families in the struggle to bring him to justice. The court case will establish that these missing Jews are indeed still alive in Iranian prisons and that the former President violated international law with his policy of arrests and torture which targeted the Jewish community."
Source: Shurat Hadin Israel Law Center
سخنرانی آخوند ضد ايرانی خاتمی در هاروارد ساعت ٤ پس از نيمروز به وقت شرق آمريكا از تلويزيون و تارنمای سی-اِسپَن به صورت زنده پخش خواهد شد.
Saturday, September 09, 2006
homer abramian
با درود. من يك وبلاگ نويس ايرانی در آمريكا هستم. بارها نوشته های شما را در وبلاگ خود بازتاب داده و شما را ستايش كرده ام. كوتاه مينويسم: شنيده ام كه ميخواهيد فردا (يكشنبه ١٠ سپتامبر) با "كدبان" حسين مهری گفتگو كنيد!
استاد آبراميان، می خواهم به شما بگويم كه با اين كار، يعنی اعتبار و آبرو دادن به چنين فردی و آن رسانه، همه ی سخنان خود پيرامون فرهنگ ايران و آرمان های ايرانی را زير سؤال خواهيد برد.
اگر از دوستداران شما نبودم، در اين مورد اظهار نظري نميكردم.
خدا نگهدار
Ali Massoud Ansari-khatami
"The news from America is most disappointing. I am now informed that Khatami and his entre entourage were issued Diplomatic Passports by the regime in Tehran and were given Diplomatic Visa (G4) by the US government enjoying full diplomatic immumity. This means that an arrest warrant cannot even be served on him while he is on the US soil."
More alarming news (yet to be confirmed) is that Khatami's next destination is the United Kingdom . He is coming to the UK at the invitation of, among others, Ali Massoud Ansari of St Andrews University (Scotland) and is due to receive an honrory Doctrate (!!) from this University. Ansari' web address.
kamran beigi-nasrin mohammadi-mohammad khatami

دكتر منوچهر گنجی: يكی از مرتبط های دفتر شاهزاده رضا پهلوی نسرين محمدی را از شكايت از خاتمی بازداشت
روز گذشته آقای دكتر منوچهر گنجی در برنامه ی بهروز صوراسرافيل در تلويزيون پارس حضور يافت و پرده از توطئه ای عليه مبارزات برداشت. وی گفت يك وكيل مبرز آمريكايی را استخدام كرده بود كه سريعا شكايتی را عليه رژيم اسلامی ايران و عليه محمد خاتمی كه اينك در آمريكاست مطرح كند. شاكی اين پرونده نسرين محمدی خواهر اكبر محمدی بود كه در زندان رژيم تهران بقتل رسيده است. قرار بود ماموری كه "سرو" شكايت توسط وی ميبايست انجام شود بشقاب ٥٠٠ دلاری ميهمانی شام محمد خاتمی را خريداری كند تا هنگام دست دادن با محمد خاتمی نامه ی شكوائيه را بدست وی بدهد.
اقدامی كه در آمريكا جنجال برانگيز ميشد. اما خانم نسرين محمدی طی ٢ روز اخير [حتی] به تلفن های آقای دكتر گنجی پاسخ نداد. چون وقت ضَيق بود بهر حال بنوعی با خانم محمدی تماس گرفته شد و وی گفت كه دفتر شاهزاده رضا پهلوی به وی گفته است كه از اين شكايت منصرف شو، ممكنست برايت دردسر ايجاد كند! دكتر گنجی افزود وقتی از او پرسيدم چه كسی به تو چنين توصيه ای را كرده است گفت، آقای كامران بيگی! دكتر گنجی با كامران بيگی تماس ميگيرد و ميپرسد چرا چنين توصيه ای به خانم نسرين محمدی كرده ای. وی پاسخ ميدهد كه من صرفا نظرم را بيان كردم. دكتر گنجی به آقای صوراسرافيل گفت بهمين علت است كه مبارزات ما هيچگاه به سامان نميرسد.
صبح ايران، آدينه، ٨ سپتامبر
Friday, September 08, 2006
Tuesday, September 05, 2006
fariba marzban
"پاسخ اين شعر (كهن ديارا) از طرف خانم ديبا روشن است: بايد به همان جايي گريخت كه ٣٧ سال، و دست كم از ٢٨ مرداد به اين سو، با تمام وجود از شما حمايت كرده (!!!) و اكنون هم ثروت ميلياردي شما را پاسباني مي كند در حالي كه ثروت ملت ايران را بلوكه كرده و قريب ٢٨ سال است كه اجازه استفاده از آنها را به ملت ايران نمي دهد."
"وي (شهبانو فرح پهلوی) بقدري دچار خشم است كه در كتاب خود به جاي روشنگري، حقايق را تحريف كرده است!"
بخوانيد تا ببينيد چه كسی دچار خشم و جنون است. شهبانو فرح پهلوی، يا اين بيمار روانی "كمونيست" و امثالش در اروپا و آمريكا. عضو "انجمن قلم ايران در تبعيد" هم هست، ولی در "تبعيد" چه ميكند هنگامی كه خود حزب الله مقالاتش را چاپ ميكند خدا ميداند!
Mitt Romney-khatami-harvard

Governor Mitt Romney denounces Mullah Khatami’s visit to Harvard
September 5 - Governor Mitt Romney today ordered all Massachusetts state government agencies to decline support, if asked, for former Iranian President Mohammed Khatami’s September 10 visit to the Boston area, where he is scheduled to speak at Harvard University.
“State taxpayers should not be providing special treatment to an individual who supports violent jihad and the destruction of Israel,” said Romney.
sos iran- activist chat-carter-khatami-ahmadinejad
In a recent statement released by a group of opportunists calling itself “SOS Iran”, but better known by such names that cannot be mentioned here, it is stated that “the planned meeting between [Ayatollah] Khatami and ex-President Jimmy Carter is a slap in the face of the 70 million Iranian people”.
For those of you not laughing I’ll explain that last year, during Ahmadinejad’s visit to New York, these shameless charlatans gave credit and paid tribute to Carter by contacting his office to come and participate in the protests in front of the UN!!! Those who bother with these little inconvenient details know that I wrote about it HERE.
Peter Mackay-Stephen Harper-Ayatollah Mohammad Khatami
Minister of Foreign Affairs of Canada
Faxes: 613 9963443 or 613- 9431054
The Honorable Stephen Harper
Prime Minister of Canada
Fax: 613-9416900
Organization For Human Rights and Fundamental Freedom For IRAN
1 September 2006
His Excellency Peter Mackay
Minister of Foreign Affairs
Re: Zahra Kazemi's Torture and Death in Evin Prison Iran
Dear Mr. Foreign Minister,
Mrs. Zahra Kazemi, a 54 year old Iranian born Canadian citizen was arrested in Tehran , Iran July 11 , 2003 on charges of taking pictures of the demonstrators outside Evin prison. She had just arrived in Iran as a foreign journalist accredited by Iran 's Ministry of Guidance, to prepare a series of reports on Iranian affairs.
ON July 27, 2003 she died in custody. Dr. Shahram Azam, the Military doctor who examined her upon arrival at hospital and who now lives in Canada has stated that he found that she had been " beaten, tortured and raped savagely”. He says " there were horrendous injuries on her body ranging from a broken nose to a ruptured ear drum, lash marks and evidence of brutal sexual assault."
At the time of Mrs. Zahra Kazemi's arrest, torture and brutal murder Mr. Mohammad Khatami was President of Iran. Of course hers is by far the only such case during his 8 years Presidency. A few of the other similar, and even still worst cases of murder, torture and disappearances that come to mind are the brutal killings of Dariush and Parvaneh Forouhar's, the notorious serial killings of Mohammad Mokhtari, Mohammad Poyandeh etc.
Mrs. Zahra Kazemi’s arrest, torture and brutal murder happened during the time when cleric Mohammad Khatami was President of Iran. Notwithstanding his smiling face and public front of the so called " dialogue of civilizations" which he carries for outside consumption, Mr. Khatami did nothing to stop arbitrary arrests and systematic torture and killings, during his 8 years of office. You may recall that in 1999 he acted brutally against peaceful student demonstrations, which had been caused by police brutalities at a student dormitory in Tehran. In the course of three days of student demonstrations which followed, all over the country, under his orders, more than 20 students, mostly in Tabriz and Tehran died and aroun1500 were imprisoned and tortured. MR. Ahmad Batebi, and Manouchehr Mohammadi and many others are still in prison and being tortured. Mr. Akbar Mohammadi another one of the student leaders died under torture just about a month ago. The one single individual who orders all these atrocities to be carried out in Iran today is Saeed Mortazavi. He was a Revolutionary Court Judge who was promoted during Mr. Khatami's term of Office to become Prosecutor General of Tehran.
As for his background, cleric Mohammad Khatami, right from the first day of 1978 revolution, was among the top collaborators of Khomeini. In 1980 he was "elected" as a Member of the first Parliament of Islamic Republic (from Meibod and Ardakan province). In 1981 Khomeini appointed him as Head of Keyhan journalism school. During Iran/Iraq war he served as the deputy Head of Joint Command of the Armed Forces and as Chairman of War Propaganda Headquarters. Between 1982-1988 he served at the same time as the Minister of Culture and Islamic Guidance -also responsible for affairs of the press and censorship. Between 1989-1992 he served in the same capacity in Hashemi Rafsanjani's Government. Towards the mid 1993 (Rafsanjani's second term) he was appointed as Cultural Advisor to the President and the Head of National Library. In 1996 Ayatollah Khamenei, the Supreme leader appointed him as a Member of the High Council for Cultural Revolution. He was elected as the President of Islamic Republic in May 1997 and served in that capacity until May 2005.
Excellency, Mr. Mohammad Khatami will be in the United States in 2 or three days time. Can the Canadian Government do with him what Spain did in the case of Augusto Pinochet when he was visiting Britain a few years ago? This would provide the Canadian Government with a unique opportunity to bring at least one of the participants of the torture and murder of a Canadian citizen Mrs. Zahra Kazemi to justice. I believe in view of the above it is incumbent upon the Canadian Government to seek the arrest and extradition of Mr. Mohammad Khatami from the United States to stand trial for the crimes that he has been a party to.
For further background and a chronicle of the crimes committed by the Islamic Republic of Iran, under Mr. Khatami et al, please visit
Please accept Excellency the assurances of my highest respects and considerations.
Manouchehr Ganji
Secretary- General, Organization for Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms for Iran
Monday, September 04, 2006
Bassir Nassibi

ما ودادنامه سایه سیرجانی
بصیر نصیبی
دادنامه من سایه سیرجانی به جهانیان این است: خاتمی؛ سید محمد خاتمی قاتل پدرم است. به قصد کشتن قلم او سالها جنایت و ظلم را بر او و خانواده اش رقم زد. حضور او در آمریکا یا هر کشوری که طبق قانون محاکمه جنایتکار سیستم قضایی اش استوار گشته امری است حتمی.من هم شاکی خصوصی چنین جنایتکاری هستم. نامه های پدر و آثار او گواهی دهنده در این دادگاه خواهد بود. ( جدا شده از دادنامه سایه سیرجانی)
سایه سیرجانی، فرزند سعیدی سٍرجانی ، محقق ،پژوهشگرونویسنده نامدار ایرانیست که وی را همین رژیم کشت وبعدبه کمک حامیانش خواست تا این قتل فجیع را لوث کند-حتا در اقدامات نمایشی ی دوران خاتمی نام او از فهرست قتل های زنجیره ای حذف شد. اما سایه در همه این سالها سخت ومقاوم ایستاد. او در آعاز دوران ریاست خاتمی هم چهره واقعی خاتمی را نمایاند اما سازمانهای سیاسی استحاله چی و رادیو تلویزون هایی که دالالها وکارچاق کن ها در آن نفوذ کرده بودند نگذاشتند تا صدای سایه طنین واقعیش را داشته باشد. اما سایه نه دردام دوم خرداد اسیر شد نه شیرین عبادی، سازگارا و گنجی ودیگر دست سازا های حکومت اسلامی در اراده وتصمیمش خللی ایجاد کرد او که خود حقوق دان است و سخنانش پایه واساس حقوقی داردهم اکنون دادنامه اش علیه خاتمی را منتشر می کند.
قبل از نوشتن این یادداشت به سایتهای حامی گنجی، شیرین عبادی ودیگر دوم خردادی ها( اخبار روز، ایر ان امروز، گویا،روز، پیک نت، میهن و رادیو فردا ،بی ،بی ،سی. رادیو صدای آلمان و...) سر زدم آیا آنها دادخواهی سایه را منعکس کرده اند ؟ نه اصلا به روی خودشان هم نیاورده اند .آخر اینان به کمک امثال نوری زاده ها، کشتگر ها، فرخ نگهدارها، ٨ سال تمام برای خاتمی دجال شخصیت سازی کردند وحالا دادخواهی سایه سیرجانی را منتشر کنند که چه بشود؟ حتا برخی ازهم خط هایشان هم ممکن است برآشفته شوند وسئوال کنندکه این بود شخصیت مترقی ای که به او پرو بال دادید؟ بله اینها یااز کنارسفر خاتمی بی تفاوت گذشته اند ویا این چنین وانمودمی کنندکه مثلا تندرو ها ی حکومتی (باند خامنه ای/ مصباح...) بااین سفر مخالفند یعنی باز از همان شگرد نخ نما شده دوران خاتمی بهره می گیرند . اما خوب می دانند که تنطیم کننده این سفرکلیت رژیم جمهوری است وپشت این سفر چهره ی خامنه ای، رفسنجانی ،حجاریان ودیگر جانیان اسلامی پنهان است. ایا آقای خاتمی بز دل که بار ها بندگی اش به ولی فقیه را با زبان رسا اعلام کرده است بدون کسب مجوز از بارگاه خلیفه- جرات سفر سیاسی به امریکا ویاملاقات با کارتر را داشت ؟
اما لابی ها و یاران ج.ا حسابشان جداست واهدافشان مشخص/ نام هایی که این سالها به شکل وشیوه هایی متفاوت در جهت بقای حکومت اسلامی حرکت کرده اند کم وبیش مشخص شده اند* اما ماوشما چه خواهیم کرد؟ ٢ ملیون ایرانی در امریکا زندگی می کنند. همه این جمع که نمی توانند لابی ج. اسلامی باشند. دلخوش نباشیم که در امریکا فقط د مکرات ها حامی این سفر وبازگشت خاتمی دجال وباندش به قدرت هستند - خبر ایرنا را با کمی تأمل بخوانیم:
« ايرنا/ سيد"محمد خاتمي" رييسجمهوري سابق ايران، روز پنجشنبه در نخستين مرحله از سفر خود به شماري از ايالتهاي آمريكا، وارد فرودگاه "جان.اف كندي" نيويورك شد و مورد استقبال شماري از اعضاي هيات نمايندگي ايران در سازمان ملل قرار گرفت. وي به محض ورود به فرودگاه نيويورك، بدون سپري كردن قواعد ورود به خاك آمريكا كه حتي براي برخي مقامها و شخصيتهاي سياسي طراز اول كشورها نيز اعمال ميشود، با خودروهاي تشريفاتي از باند فرودگاه به محل اقامتش در نيويورك منتقل شد »
ایا صدور ویزا برای خاتمی ودارودسته ( اینبار انگارآقای خاتمی با منزل! سفر فرموده اندو بانوی مترقی! خانم خاتمی هم همراه هستند) هم سفرش بعهده وزارت امور خارجه بوش نبوده است؟ وایا آن مقام کاخ سفید که ادعا کرد با خاتمی مانند یک شهروند عادی رفتار خواهد شد،به قصد فریب وانحراف افکار عمومی سخنی به دروغ نگفته است؟ آقای خاتمی قبل ازسفر با وقاحت اعلام کردکه در شأن او! وهمکارانش نیست که به انگشت نگاری ورفتارهایی این چنین تن در دهند. یعنی مردم عادی ایران در شأنشان هست که آنها را به چشم تروریست بنگرند وساعت ها باز جویی شوند- اما در شان رئیس جمهور سابق یک دولت فاشیست با دستانی آغشته به خون نیست که مقررات ورود در حقش رعایت شود ؟ کجا هستند ایرانی های مقیم امریکا که در سر دادن شعار های پر طمطراق در وصف غیرت و همت ایرانی تبحر دارند؟آن بخشی هم که حرکتی راآ غاز کردند شاید فریب کاخ سفید را خور دند- چرا که تا خواستند خودشان را تکان دهند آقای خاتمی به خاک امریکا وارد شدند با خودروهای تشریفاتی ( یعنی با استقبال اعلام نشده دولت بوش) به سوی محل اقامتشان حرکت کردند. دلم برای آن دسته از ایرانیان ساده اندیش می سوزد که منتظرند آقای بوش ایران رابرایشان آزاد کنند!!
اما هم اکنون نیز می شود این سفر را به یک رسوایی برای جمهوری اسلامی مبدل کرد- ممکن است برای ورود به جلسات محدودیت بگذارند- اما چرا نمی شود محدودیت را شکست وداخل سالن را تبدیل به یک تظاهرات پر شور علیه جمهوری اسلامی کرد؟ نگوئید اینجا امریکاست ونمی شود مقررات را زیر پا گذاشت. مگر خود دولت بوش مقرراتی که خودش تصویب کرده را رعایت می کند؟ مگر عملا شأن خاتمی جنایت کار را از شأن مردم دیگر بالاتر نمی داند. ما باید از بی تفاوتی خودمان خجالت بکشیم وقتی می دانیم که دانشجویان دانشکاه درتهران زیر فشار پلیس های مسلح ،ماموران امنیتی ولباس شخصی ها وخطر جانی ای که تهدیدشان می کرد دریکی از آخرین نشست های خاتمی اورا مأخذه کردند واز تهدید های وی نهراسیدند تا آنجا که خاتمی مجبور شد اعتراف کند که برای حفط نظام ولایت فقیه ٨ سال به مردم دروغ گفته است.مطمئن باشید اکبر محمدی آخرین قربانی این رژیم نیست- تا حکومت جمهوری اسلامی ساقط نشود قتل و کشتار ،شکنجه، زندان ،تجاوز و... ادامه خواهد داشت و دلالها وکارچاق کن ها هم که از نان آغشته به خون تغذیه می شوند همچنان در صحنه خواهند ماند. صدای سایه سیرجانی صدای هزا ران مبارزیست که در قصابخانه های جمهوری اسلامی به قتل رسیدند ویا زیر شکنجه جان سپردند -نگذاریم این صدا خاموش شود.
بصیر نصیبی ٢ سپتامبر ٢٠٠٦. زاربروکن / آلمان
--- در بخش تفسیر اخبار تلویزیون پارس( برنامه آقای مهرداد پارسا) روز جمعه اول سپتامبر این اسامی به عنوان همکاران ، برنامه ریزان ، پروژه های جمهوری اسلامی در امریکا و کانادا اعلام شده است. حسن نمازی، کاظم علمداری، محمد ارسی، احمد کریمی حکاک، منصور فرهنک، دکترعباس میلانی، نیره توحیدی، فرزانه میلانی، شیرین هانتر، محمود فرشچیان، دکتر هوشنگ امیر احمدی، محسن موقر ، جعفر زاده. فرج علایی . محمد برقعی. خسرو میر احمدی .دکتر رضا براهنی. محمد صادق نمازی خواه و...
Sunday, September 03, 2006
Turkey-Erdogan-Turkish Army
The creeping rise of Islamism in Erdogan’s Turkey.
“General Solmaztuerk retired from the military last year, but he sees himself and his country as involved in a daily battle with forces trying to destroy the gap between mosque and parliament and ultimately make Turkey an Islamic state under Sharia law.”
Friday, September 01, 2006
jcrc khatami washington dc
US Newswire

He may also pay a private visit to Thomas Jefferson's home at Monticello, Virginia!
Well, if he can be invited to Harvard to speak on "Ethics of Tolerance in the Age of Violence", why not!
The Times of London on Mullah Mohammad Khatami
Look for the name Mohammad Khatami in the following January 16, 1985 article from The Times of London. For verification consult your library.

Khomeini Approves Suicide Hit-squad
The Times
January 16, 1985
Iran has set up a special military unit to recruit and train suicide squads-to carry out terrorist, operations in countries opposed to Ayatollah Khomeini's Islamic republic, according to documents obtained by an Iranian opposition movement and supplied to The Times.
Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, the United Arab Emirates, Jordan and France are named as, prime targets of the unit, which is called the "independent brigade of irregular warfare in enemy territories".
A leading figure-behind the creation, of the new unit is said to be Mr. Husain Musavi, leader of the Islamic Jihad organization, which has claimed responsibility for suicide attacks in the past three years on American and French establishments, in Beirut, and Kuwait.
According to the documents, the secondment is being requested of specialized military instructors who should be under 30 years old, preferably bachelors and who "must be completely committed to martyrdom".
One of the documents is an invitation, dated May 19, 1984, from the Minister of Islamic Guidance, Ayatollah Muhammad Khatami, to 12 ministers, military commanders, heads of department and Ayatollah Baqer Hakim. a pro-Iranian Iraqi Shiite clergyman who leads the self-styled Supreme Assembly of the Islamic Revolution of Iraq in Iran, to attend a meeting at Ayatollah Khatami's office a week later.
The second document purports to be minutes of the meeting, though it only records the introductory speeches of the ayatollah and a mysterious figure referred to by the code name of Mirhashem.
"All your eminencies here are fully acquainted with his face," Ayatollah Khatami said in the minutes, "but for the sake of prudence, let us refer to him as brother Mirhashem." A spokesman for the London office of Dr. Shahpur Bakhtiar the former Iranian Prime minister, whose National Movement of the Iranian Resistance has acquired the documents, said the mystery man was Mr. Musavi. He is Iranian by upbringing and nationality, though he has for some time been based in Northern Lebanon.
Ayatollah Khatami said he and Mirhashem first took their plans for the suicide squads to Ayatollah Khomeini on May 14 and gained his approval immediately. "Whatever is necessary to destroy them must he done," Ayotallah Khomeini is reported to have said.
Ayatollah Khatami added that the plans, to be examined later by the meeting, were more than 200 pages long. Perhaps this, together with Ayatollah Khomeini's alleged approval of it, explains why the minutes do not contain any suggested amendments from the others present, though they included the Minister of Foreign Affairs, or one of his senior aides, and all the top commanders of the armed forces. According to the Ayatollah, the unit was to be built around the nucleus of "a few groups of 10 to 20 people each who are currently serving in Lebanon", Though officially a secret branch of the Revolutionary Guards or one of the other armed forces, "to avoid any legal difficulties" it would act independently and report directly to the Supreme Commander, Ayatollah Khomeini.
The meeting was then briefed by Mirhashem, who referred to the Lebanese groups under his command as being "known to the outside world as suicide groups". He said his organization had been "assisted by five Muslim brothers of occupied Palestine who have for many years served in the army of the occupiers of Jerusalem and who will be making all their knowledge available to us".
Mirhashem complained, however, that the increased vigilance of the Arab countries in the region, and the inadequacy, of the military training of his men had rendered Iran unable to topple the government's opposed to it "except by blows brought to hear from within".
He requested that specialized instructors from the armed forces be seconded to his organization by July 1, and some 1,500 to 2,000 men under 30 and preferably bachelors, be introduced by July 23. "They must be completely committed to martyrdom".
He also requested cooperation from the Foreign Ministry to send abroad, in the guise of military attaches, his intelligence agents. Other requests included a secure, isolated base for training.
He said, it would take at least until the next summer before his men would be able to go into action, and he feared the possibility of a lull in their activities in the meantime.