Friday, November 16, 2007

gary sick-Musharraf and the Shah

اگر می خواهيد بدانيد كه اين مقايسه ميان پادشاه فقيد و پرويز مشرف كه چند هفته است همه جا به آن اشاره مي شود را چه كسی و يا كدام جانوری برای نخستين بار مطرح كرد، اينجا را كليك كنيد (دو روز بعد در سايت بازتاب).

بله، از ديد من می شود شرايط كنونی پاكستان را با آنچه كه بر سر ايران آوردند (و همواره انكار می كنند) مقايسه كرد، ولی بايد پرسيد با كدام هدف. اين جنايتكار كه خودش در گردن زدن ايران و به آتش كشيدن زندگی ميليون ها انسان دست داشته و از پشتيبانان كليدی جمهوری اسلامی بوده است، چه هدفی دارد، و چرا به جای اين مقايسه مضحك و گمراه كننده ميان پادشاه فقيد ايران و ژنِرال مشرف، سياست و نقش كاملا آشكار دولت و مطبوعات كشور خودش در رهبر و اپوزيسيون سازی در ارتجاع ٥٧ را با تلاشهای شبانه روز كنونی در تبديل كردن شياد و رياكاری بنام بينظير بوتو به رهبر و "اپوزيسيون" پاكستان مقايسه نمی كنند.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

If those so called "political analysts" and their entourage of idiot writers were not in hand, how else would they have fooled the naive world?

8:37 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear “SK”:

Reading stories like this, with such a cluster of stupidity, ignorance, hate and intrigue all rolled into one, makes one wonder if we are supposed to laugh out lout at their absurdity or shed “tears of blood” in disgust. A news item like this, which has all the “usual suspects” in it, from the lap-dog and ideologically lazy and biased news reporter, to a disgraceful refuse of the Carter administration, a couple of low-IQ Democratic senators, and a legion of die-hard Pahlavi-haters who are just aching to come out of the woodwork at the slightest opportunity, makes one wish this was all a bad nightmare and will end as soon as one wake up. Alas, it is not.
Let us start from the “silly” and work our way down! If the AP writer had an ounce of intelligence he would recognize that his by now “obligatory” insult thrown at Mohammad Reza Shah (“the unelected leader of Iran”) would be viewed more an indictment of himself and his ignorance than of the Shah! For starters, to accuse the Shah of having been “unelected” is to condemn the “institution” and the system of monarchy. It would be valuable if this worthless scribe could name a king who “is” elected, including the current monarchs of the best known “constitutional” monarchies. Furthermore, by labeling the Shah “unelected”, logic would dictate that all the Prime Ministers appointed by him are also devoid of legitimacy and therefore mere stooges! This has to include “Imamzadeh” Mosaddeq, the “charlatan par excellence” of contemporary Iranian history! It is of course common for the ignorant Western press to refer to Mosaddeq as the “popularly elected” PM of Iran, therefore absolving him if any association with the Shah and bypassing his “appointment” by him! So, that is that, as far as the AP’s fiction writer.

As far as Gary Sick, does one have to say any mote than two words, “Carter Administration”? When I hear that people like Gary Sick have once again expressed an opinion on a matter of huge significance, I wish there would be a law against politicians and political commentators who have been so enormously and repeatedly wrong in the past on so many issues that the number of “strikes” against them would bar them from ever spreading their drivels in public! If my wish would ever become reality, we would for ever be rid of folks like Gary Sick (remember the discredited and fabricated “October Surprise” story originated and peddled by him?) and Robin Wright on one hand, and their Iranian equivalents like Alireza Nourizadeh, Masoud Behnood, and even Dariush Homayoun” on the other. Knowing that this wish will likely never some true, we just have to keep on grinding our teeth and doing our best to refute their nonsense. One way to do so, is to recommend that people read books that tell the true story of Carter administration’s culpability in the fall of the Shah and the rise of Khomeini, through either malice intrigue and, yes, conspiracy (“The Clash of Ambitions” by Houshang Nahavandi) or ideologically driven incompetence (“Debacle” by Michael Ledeen). Gary Sick and the administration that he worked for are responsible for the “pregnancy” (the Islamic Revolution) that gave birth to its baby (the Islamic Republic). No parent, however, likes their child to be called “ugly”, therefore the American Liberal-Left in general, and the Democratic Party specifically, will never harshly criticize the Islamic Revolution. The best they would do is to claim it was an “un-planned” pregnancy! That, in a nutshell, is the essence of the usual drivel emanating from the mind of the “Sick”. It is noteworthy however that this time, Mr. Sick actually hints at and admits what a growing number of Iranians (if not a majority) believe, which is that the “revolution” was a “conspiracy”, but of course these are only the “absurd” thoughts of the unenlightened! Can we hope for a day when Dr. Sick and his ilk would admit that there is growing, yet absurd, evidence that “28th of Mordad” was not a coup?! Don’t hold your breath…

Lastly, reading the correspondence following Mr. Sick’s article, we see the veteran Pahlavi-haters come out again. The same old themes are peddled: SAVAK, torture, repression,…… Being a “revolutionary” (especially a Leftist one) means never having to learn anything outside of your dogma. It would be futile to hope that these perennial malcontents would bother to compare Iran under the Pahlavies with not only the strict and repressive Islamic countries surrounding it, but with all the Socialist utopias (like Castro’s “Paradise”) they worshiped at the alter of. The result of such an honest examination would shatter many myths and end many orthodoxies. Iranian revolutionaries have proven incapable of such a comparison.


5:47 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sorry for my typos!
If you wish to correct them, please do. They are obvious ones...
My apologies.

6:38 PM  

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